
Existing Citations

  • big data (p. 118): Such data [big data] are neither new nor novel, but more are being generated. This is not so much a new kind of data but huge amounts of it. Assembled and analyzed, it could all be a potential valuable resource. Or it could be what privacy guru Bruce Schneier calls the ‘‘pollution’’ of the information age, a byproduct produced by virtually every technological process, something that is more costly to manage than its value. (†287)
  • big data (p. 119): Big data has a rhetoric problem. When people talk about data-driven health innovation they often neglect the power of framing information as ‘‘data.’’ They also assume that everyone thinks about health data the same way they do. Regardless of how it is generated, digital information only becomes data when it is created as such... Data are meaningful because of how someone collects, interprets, and forms arguments with it. Data are not neutral. This is why Lisa Gitelman calls raw data an ‘‘oxymoron,’’ a contradiction in terms that hides the reality of the work involved in creating data. Data, I argue in an article with Brittany Fiore-Silfvast, are so important precisely because people make (or imagine) data function across multiple social worlds. Data are not inherently important or interesting, rather, by definition, data are used to make arguments relative. Put simply, data is only data in the eye of the stakeholder” (†288)