“Advances in AI & Their Impacts on Society.” Keynote speaker. Living in a Digital Age: Technology and its Effects on Religion and Popular Culture Conference. March 12, 2023. The Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB) & Nile University, Egypt.
“AI for Archives & Records Management”. Autonomous University of Barcelona. April 26, 2023. Barcelona, Spain.
“AI for People”. Lecture, King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST). Thuwal, KSA. May 14, 2023.
“Artificial Intelligence in Archives and the “I Trust AI” Project”. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Development of Records and Archives Management. June 7, 2022. Tianjin Normal University, China.
“Better Deep Learning for a Brighter Future.” Arab Academy of Science and Technology. November 10, 2022. Cairo, Egypt.
“Deep Learning for Archives”. Abu Dhabi National Archives. March 9, 2022. Abu Dhabi, UAE.
“Deep Learning for Global Well-Being”. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD). November 5, 2021. Online (due to COVID-19).
“Deep Learning in ITrust AI”. In the 3rd conference about Artificial Intelligence in Libraries, Archives and Museums. December 9, 2021. Paris, France. Online (due to COVID-19).
"Acerca de los Archivos Electrónicos " Sistema Institucional gestión documental y administración de archivos, Online Mexico, Cámara de Diputados, May 13, 2022.
"Archivo públicos e inteligencia artificial." Semana Distrital de Archivos: Archivos, Sociedad y Transformación Digital: una mirada desde Bogotá. Online. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas y Dirección Distrital del Archivo de Bogotá.
"Archivos, Inteligencia Artificial y Transformación Digital". Conference online. Dirección Técnica del Patrimonio Bibliográfico, Guatemala. 2023 October.
"Avances del proyecto InterPARES Trust sobre Inteligencia Artificial". Round table panelist, Avances del proyecto InterPARES Trust sobre Inteligencia Artificial. 12th International Seminar of Ibero-American Tradition. Toluca, México. March 28, 2023.
"El uso de la inteligencia artificial en los archivos". Panelist, Event on the National Archivist Day, INAI Mexico City. March 24, 2023.
"Inteligencia Artificial en el entorno de la Archivística". Inteligencia Artificial en el entorno de la Archivística. Diploma Course Inauguration (online), University of Valencia, Spain. November 17, 2022.
"La ciencia archivística y la inteligencia artificial ." XIX Jornadas Archivísticas. Archivos y Derechos Humanos 2021. Online. Universidad de Guadalajara y Red Nacional de Archivos de Instituciones de Educación Superior.
"Los archivos electrónicos: Retos para el resguardo de la información." Primer Foro: Impulsando nuestros archivos. Guanajuata, Mexico. June 9, 2022.
Alicia Barnard, ed. "Perspectivas y noticias en el ambito de los archivos (Perspectives and news in the archives field)". Instituto de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información Pública, Protección de Datos Personales y Rendición de Cuentas de la Ciudad de México. Forthcoming.
Alicia Barnard, ed. Perspectivas y noticias en el ambito de los archivos (Perspectives and news in the archives field). Instituto de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información Pública, Protección de Datos Personales y Rendición de Cuentas de la Ciudad de México, Mexico. October 2023.
Barnard, A., Cuellar, R., Escoto, C., García, L.M., Bernal Astorgia, Y.
"Los archivos en el contexto de las tecnologías y el manejo de los datos personales". VI Coloquio de Archivística "Archivos y tecnologías disruptivas", Morelia, Mexico. Online, March 24, 2022.
Barnard, A., Mendoza, A., Fenoglio, N., Umaña, R.
"Valoración documental e Inteligencia Artificial" Round table panel, in person and online and in site, Foro Internacional de Evaluación de Documentos en la Era Digital FIED 2023, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica . March 23, 2023.
"Meaning is not maths: Where is the intelligence in Artificial Intelligence?" 9th Annual Conference of the International Council on Archives, Bridging the Gap. September 19-23, 2022.
"Archives, Technology and A.I." College of Professional and Global Education (CPGE) Faculty Research Colloquium. San José State University, California, USA. October 4, 2023.
"Managing and preserving digital image collections". InterPARES Summer School. San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Italy. July 11, 2023.
"New Archival Research". College of Professional and Global Education (CPGE) Faculty Research Colloquim. San José State University, California, USA. September 27, 2022.
“AI-Generated Images as an Emergent Record Format.” Presented virtually at IEEE Big Data Conference, CAS Workshop, Sorrento, Italy. (2023, December 17).
"El análisis funcional para la evaluación y el acceso". Workshop, XXIV Reunión Anual del Grupo Español de la Sección SPP-ICA. Vitoria (Basque Country, Spain). June 6, 2022.
"Inteligencia Artificial Retos y Perspectivas de la Gestión Documental". III Curso Taller Administración Documentaria y Gestión de Archivos. Grupo Académico Conexiones (Perú, online). August 19, 2023.
"Inteligencia artificial ¿oportunidad o amenaza?". Panel. Jornadas Españolas de Información y Documentación FESABID 2023. Granada (Spain). June 2, 2023.
"La IA en el Archivo. El proyecto InterPARES Trust AI". Jornadas Españolas de Información y Documentación FESABID 2022. Granada (Spain). June 2, 2023.
"Patrones de análisis funcional y evaluación documental". Foro Internacional de Evaluación de Documentos: “Evaluación de Documentos en la Era Digital” Universidad de Costa Rica. March 23, 2023.
"Retos y oportunidades de la Inteligencia Artificial en Archivos. El proyecto InterPARES Trust Al". La administración digital (ANABAD-ESAGED). Online. June 12, 2023.
"Valoración documental y acceso: ¿análisis de funciones o análisis funcional". Workshop. Encuentro ASARCA) "Liarse el archivo a la cabeza". Gáldar (Canary Islands, Spain). November 4, 2022.
“Inteligencia artificial y archivos”, Archivamos, 122, 3. Asociación de Archiveros de Castilla y León (ACAL), p. 27-29.
Casellas, L., Abdul-Mageed, M., Sengsavang, E., Sullivan, P., Rockembach, M., Stancic, H., Campos, P., Trbusic, Z., Modiba, M., Marutha, N., Corbela, G.
"AI for Authenticity." National Archives Conference on Records Authenticity, Jakarta, Indonesia. July 14, 2021.
"Archives and AI" International Symposium in honour of Laura Giambastiani, Universita’ di Firenze, Florence, Italy, 2023, June 5.
"Archives and AI." Federal University of Pará, Pará, Brasil. September 6, 2021
"Authenticity and AI." International Week of Pedagogy. Florence, Italy.
"Empowering Archives - ITrust AI." Keynote, Associación Latinoamericana de Archivos (ALA) and International Council on Archives (ICA) celebration of International Archives Week. Online. June 9, 2021.
"From Open Archive to Open Society" Opening speech, 2022, First Congress of Archivists, Almaty, Kazakhstan, October 19, 2023 - online.
"I Trust AI", Workshop on AI and Archives, University of Aalborg and National Archives, Aalborg, Denmark, 2023, June 6.
"In/authenticity in the Archive" – Virtual presentation on Digital Authenticity, AMIA Conference – Visions 2032, December 2022.
"ITrust AI." Presentation to Government Records Officers, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. June 24, 2021.
"The Concept of Digital Record". InterPARES Summer School. San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Italy. July 8, 2023.
Lectio Magistralis on “Archival Science in the Future: What Should It Be? What Will It Be?” School of Archival and Records Management of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Conference for the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the School, 2022, November 10 – Barcelona, Spain.
Lecture on "Trusting". Corso di Alta Formazione in Archivistica Contemporanea. Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Rome, Italy.
Panel on “I Trust AI,” Panel member speaking on the foundational concepts of the research project. 2022, June 28 – Paris, France. SCAI Sorbonne.
Presentation of the book on the results of “I Trust Latin America”, and introduction to the new partnership project, ITrust AI. INAI (National Information Agency), Mexico City, Mexico. May 13, 2021.
Presentation on Current InterPARES Research, Centre de research sur les economies, les societies les arts et le techniques. Universite’ de l’Alsace, 2023, April 5.
Seminar on ITrust AI, University of Florence. October 21, 2021
Virtual Lecture on Trusting AI, Archivio Centrale dello Stato. Corso di Alta Formazione in Archivistica Contemporanea, Roma, Italy, 2023, March 13.
Visiting Lecturer, Paris Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi (PSUAD), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, MiRAS program – InterPARES research (30hrs). 25 September-7 October 2021.
Visiting Lecturer, Universities of Berne and Lausanne in Switzerland, MAS ALIS program – InterPARES research (4hrs), May 2022 -- virtual.
Visiting Lecturer, University of Brasilia, MA Preservação Digital – InterPARES research (20hrs), May 2023 -- virtual.
“25 Years of InterPARES”, International conference on InterPARES Research, National Library and Archives, Abu Dhabi, UAE, February 22, 2023.
“AI for Authenticity”, Lectio Magistralis for the opening of the academic year, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 2022, October 12.
“Developing a fertile ecosystem for AI through records, data, and information,” Keynote address, International Symposium, Sorbonne University, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2023, February 20.
“Diplomatics and Emergent Technologies” Procedamus, Roma, Italy, 2022, October 6.
“Electronic Evidence and Electronic Signatures” Speaker on “Authentication.” 2022, July 15 – Singapore. National University of Singapore.
“Fidarsi della tecnologia: l’uso di Blockchain e Intelligenza Artificiale (AI) per la conservazione a lungo termine di archivi digitali affidabili e sostenibili.” Corso di Alta Formazione in Archivistica Contemporanea. Archivo Centrale dello Stato, Rome, Italy.
“From Trusting the Cloud to Trusting AI.” Keynote, International Conference, 2022, May 26, Pretoria, South Africa.
“I Trust AI research and Records Authenticity.” Archival Association. Berne, Switzerland. May 6, 2022.
“I Trust AI Research.” Keynote, 1st InterPARES International Symposium, 2022, October 27, Tinajo (Lanzarote), Spain.
“I Trust AI: The Issues, The Project, The Progress" Keynote Speaker, CIHN22 Conference, Rabat, Marocco, 2022, November 23.
“International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Development of Records and Archives Management,” Keynote Speaker, 2022, June 6, The Information Resource School at Renmin University and the Management School at Tianjin Normal University, China.
“The Canadian Italian Archives Project” Keynote speaker on “The Archives of a Community” 2022, Montreal, Quebec, October 15, 2022.
“Transforming Archival Educations: Reflections on the Theme.” Closing speech, ACA@UBC Symposium, April 29, 2022.
"Archival users and AI tools for reference and access: a study within the InterPARES Trust AI project". (In Italian). Italian journal of Library Science, Archival Science and Information Science. Online. Issue 14, 3 (September 15, 2023).
"The international research on AI in the archival domain". Lesson for the course on digital archives creation and preservation at the Scuola di specializzazione per i beni archivistici e librari. Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. April 27, 2023.
"The international research: methods and standards for digital archives". Lesson for the master on the creation, management and preservation of digital archives, course on international models and standards. University of Macerata, Italy. June 21, 2023.
"Use of AI in Data Management". State Archives of North Rhine Westphalia Steering Group, Workshop Presentation. Online (Duisburg, Germany). March 2, 2023.
Huvila, I., Vats, E., Friber, Z., Börjesson, L., Kaisea, J., Sköld, O.
Jordan, J.M., Endicott-Popovsky, B., Sotebeer, S.M., Stiber, M., Salvatore, V., Gandhi, V., O'Keefe, C.
"Graph-Based Simulation of Emergency Services Communications Systems". 2022 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference. San Diego, CA. July 18-21, 2022.
InterPares Summer School, a San Benedetto il primo corso al mondo per le alte professionalità dell’archivistica.
La summer school è nata grazie alla collaborazione tra Ministero della Cultura, Soprintendenza Archivistica e Bibliografica delle Marche, Regione Marche e Comune con diverse istituzioni territoriali
Lacombe Rocha, C., Rondinelli, R.
"InterPARES Trust AI: Investigando como a inteligência artificial pode auxiliar as funções arquivísticas". Conference Presentation (Invited): Inteligência Artificial - Da regulação de direitos à prática arquivística (Institute of Technology and Society ITS). Rio de Janeiro. July 2023.
"Critical Data Studies Meets Archival Research: On the Preservation of Digital Twin and Smart Grid Technologies". Virtual Presentation (Invited) at International Conference on AI and the Development of Records and Archives Management. Tianjin, China. June 2022.
"Data as artifacts and as records". InterPARES Summer School. San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Italy. July 9, 2023.
"Data as artifacts and as records". ITrust AI InterPARES Summer Institute. San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy. July 7-11, 2023.
"Preserving Digital twins and Smart Grids, I Trust AI". Pre-Conference Workshop, ACA 2023: Belonging - Considering archival bonds and disconnects. Charlottetown, PEI, Canada. June 2023.
Keynote speech. AI4DH2022: International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Digital Humanities. University of Macerata, Italy (Attended virtually). May 2022.
"Asuntos Jurídicos de la Inteligencia Artificial en el campo archivístico". Direción Técnica del Patrimonio Bibliográfico. Guatemala. Conference presentation on line. October 2023.
"Can machines classify records better than humans?" International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Development of Records and Archives Management, Online. June 7, 2022.
"Trustworthy Digital Records Management". Seminar for World Digital Preservation Day 2023, Online. Nov 2, 2023.
Mokhtar, U., Mohd, M., Norulhuda, S., Abdullah, S.
"Automated Classification Model for Public Digital Records". Meeting at the National Archive of Malaysia, Arkib Negara Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. April 5, 2022.
Mokhtar, U., Sastria, G., Mohd, M., Norulhuda, S., Abdullah, S.
"Automated Classification Model for Public Digital Records using Text Classification and Ontology Structure". International Council on Archives - Webinar Online. February 15, 2022.
Mughaz, D.
Presentation at The INFO Conference &Exhibition, Tel Aviv. May 24, 2023.
Mughaz, D., Tractinsky, A., Shenkolewski-Kroll, S.
Recommendations concerning the new version of the METS standard and the descriptive standard Records in contexts (in Croatian). Annual Conference of the Society of Croatian Archivists. Vodice, Croatia. 25 October, 2023.
"Big Data Analysis for Health Information Access: Towards Hospital Websites as Interactive Communication Channel". Invited speaker. AI and Data Science. Dubai (UAE). October 27, 2022.
"From Data to Analytics". Invited speaker. Mathematical modelling, knowledge, skills and processes in STEM. Split, Croatia (Online). June 29, 2022.
Seljan, S., Alexopoulos, C., Viličić, M., Nevistić, Z., Dedić, L., Grubišić, M., Cibilić, I., Kević, K., van Loenen, B., Welle Donker, F.
"Archival challenges to be improved by AI". International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Development of Records and Archives Management. School of Management at Tianjin Normal University, China. June 7, 2022.
"Archives, Ethics, and AI". 7th Scientific Research, Study and Educational Symposium "Ethics in archival science and archival theory and practice". Alma Mater Europaea, Maribor, Slovenia. March 15, 2022.
"InterPARES Trust AI". DARIAH Day 2022. Sharing ideas and experiences. Zagreb, Croatia. December 12, 2022.
"New computational initiatives and new technologies in the archives – (re)shaping the future of collaboration". 32nd Conference “International Archival Day” 2022. Trieste/Italy & Maribor/Slovenia. October 10, 2022.
"Technological Authentication". InterPARES Summer School. San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Italy. July 8, 2023.
"Uloga umjetne inteligencije u arhivskim procesima". 53. savjetovanje Hrvatskog arhivističkog društva Sv. Martin / Štrigova, Croatia. October 26, 2022.
The Use of Language Models (LLMs) in the Public Sector and The Impact on Public Records: A Case of Swede and Croatia. Atlanti, No. 2 Vol. 34. 2024. pp. 56 – 72.
Tennis, J.
"Metadata: Assessing or Capturing the Elements of Identity and Integrity of Records in the Chain of Preservation". InterPARES Summer School. San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Italy. July 11, 2023.
"Proteus bound: Trustworthy digital preservation". InterPARES Summer School. San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Italy. July 10, 2023.
Tractinsky, A.
"InterPARES Trust AI study - issues in disclosing archival records". The INFO Conference &Exhibition, Tel Aviv. May 25, 2023.
Tractinsky, A., Shenkolewski-Kroll, S.
"The process of disclosure personal information, towards the use of artificial intelligence – the Israel State Archives as a case study." Presented at Archives under Review- the Impact of Digital Technologies on Archive Work." Israel, May 8, 2022.
The use of artificial intelligence and large language models in the creation of standardized archival descriptions (in Croatian). Annual Conference of the Society of Croatian Archivists. Vodice, Croatia. 25 October , 2023.
"Records management, Organizational Memory and Social Memory – An AI illustration" EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquia. Vienna, June 2022.