Browsing all terms in English
- 51% attack
- acceptable risk
- access
- access control
- access data
- access service
- accountability
- accuracy
- acquisition
- activity
- actor
- actual role
- address
- adequate security
- administrative metadata
- agreement
- agreement ledger
- alt fact
- alternative fact
- anonymized data
- anonymous
- archival aggregate unit
- archival arrangement
- archival bond
- archival cloud
- archival description
- archival document
- archival permanent feature
- archives
- Archiving as a Service (AaaS)
- archivist
- area of activity
- arrangement
- artificial intelligence system
- as a service
- assessment
- assessment status
- association class
- asymmetrical key cryptography
- attestation
- attestation ledger
- attributable class
- attributable object
- audit
- authentication
- authenticity
- authorized role
- availability
- backup
- benchmark value
- best evidence
- best practice
- big data
- binary encoding
- bit rot
- bitcoin
- bitcoin classic
- bitcoin core
- bitcoin unlimited
- blind trust
- block
- block header
- block reward
- blockchain
- broad network access
- business model
- business process
- Byzantine General's Problem
- capability
- Capability Maturity Model
- certification
- certification (records)
- certification (systems)
- chain linking
- chain of custody
- chain of preservation
- chaincode
- citizen engagement
- class
- classification
- clearance
- cloud
- cloud archives
- cloud auditor
- cloud broker
- cloud bursting
- cloud carrier
- cloud computing
- cloud consumer
- cloud entity
- cloud forensics
- cloud governance
- cloud portability
- cloud provider
- cloud service
- cloud storage
- collaboration
- collection
- collision-resistant hash-function
- committer
- community cloud
- competence
- completeness
- compliance
- component
- component description
- component permanent feature
- computer vision
- confidence
- confidentiality
- consensus mechanism
- consortium
- content component
- content component description
- contentious hard fork
- context
- context collapse
- contract terms
- control architecture
- controlled social media
- controlling object
- convention
- coproduction
- copy
- Creative Commons
- cross-border data flow
- crowdsourcing
- cryptocurrency
- cryptography
- custody
- DaaS
- dark data
- data
- data anonymization
- Data as a Service (DaaS)
- data at rest
- data de-identification
- data exhaust
- data format registry
- data governance
- data in motion
- data in use
- data lake
- data location
- data management
- data management plan
- data masking
- data migration
- data mining
- data obfuscation
- data ownership
- data philanthropy
- data preservation
- data profile
- data profile attribute definition
- data protection
- data sanitization
- data state
- data storage
- Data Storage as a Service (DSaaS)
- data warehouse
- data wrangling
- dataset
- de-anonymization
- de-obfuscation
- declassification
- deep learning
- denial of service
- description
- descriptive metadata
- difficulty
- digital component
- digital exhaust
- digital forensics
- digital object
- digital preservation
- digital rights
- digital signature
- disaster recovery plan
- disclosure
- discovery
- disintermediation
- disposition
- disposition schedule
- distributed ledger technology
- distributed trust model
- document
- double spending
- DSaaS
- duty to remember
- dynamic provisioning
- e-democracy
- e-governance
- e-government
- e-participation
- electronically stored information
- encryption
- end user license agreement
- endorser
- enterprise risk management
- entity
- Ethereum
- evaluation
- evidence
- external disclosure
- extraterritorial
- facts infrastructure
- fault tolerance
- feature
- federated consensus
- fiduciary trust
- fonds
- forensic readiness
- forensics
- fork
- form
- framework agreement
- freedom of information
- full node
- generative AI
- genesis block
- good faith
- governance
- government-citizenship engagement
- Greediest Heaviest Observed Subtree
- halvening, the
- hard fork
- harm
- hash code
- hash function
- hash rate
- hash value
- hearsay
- heuristic association
- heuristic information
- hierarchical deterministic keys
- hold order
- human readable intellectual entity
- hybrid cloud
- hype cycle
- IaaS
- identifier
- identity
- identity management
- identity metadata
- immutability
- impact
- information
- information and communications technology governance
- information asset
- information assurance
- information governance
- information management
- information professional
- information protection
- information resilience
- information security
- Information Security Management (ISO/IEC 27001)
- Information Technology as a Service (ITaaS)
- information technology governance
- infosec
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
- inherent risk
- initial source
- inspection
- instantiation component
- instantiation component description
- instantiation object registry
- integrity
- integrity feature
- integrity metadata
- intellectual entity
- interledger protocol
- internal disclosure
- internet
- InterPARES Authenticity Metadata
- intra-chain services
- invasion of privacy
- ISO 27001
- ITaaS
- item
- knowledge discovery
- leader-based consensus
- leakage
- ledger
- legal hold
- liability
- lifecycle
- lightweight node
- local preservation environment
- m-government
- M-of-N multisigs
- machine learning
- machine readable intellectual entity
- managed record
- managed risk
- management
- management set
- manifest permanent feature
- manifestation
- manifestation description
- mashup
- maturity model
- measured service
- media sanitization
- merged mining
- Merkle Tree
- metadata
- migration
- migration of records
- mining
- mosaic effect
- multisignatures (multisigs)
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
- natural language processing
- neural networks
- node
- node-to-node
- nonce
- notice of intent to submit
- obfuscation
- object
- off-chain access services
- on-demand self-service
- open
- open access
- open architecture
- open data
- open government
- open government data
- open source
- operational risk
- oracle
- organization
- outage
- oversight
- PaaS
- PaaST
- paradata
- parent block
- party
- patent
- peer-to-peer
- permanent feature
- permanent feature expression
- permission
- permissioned blockchain
- permissionless blockchain
- person
- personal cloud
- personal data
- personal identity management
- personalized public services
- personally identifiable information
- Platform as a Service (PaaS)
- post-custodialism
- post-truth
- practical Byzantine fault tolerance (PBFT)
- practical obscurity
- preservation
- preservation action
- preservation action data
- preservation action report
- preservation action set
- preservation agreement
- Preservation as a Service for Trust (PaaST)
- preservation assessment
- preservation assessment data
- preservation assessment report
- preservation change
- preservation change data
- preservation change service
- preservation collection
- preservation commitment
- preservation description
- preservation director
- preservation environment
- preservation intention
- preservation item
- preservation management data
- preservation management document
- preservation management information
- preservation metadata
- preservation network
- preservation obligation
- preservation problem
- preservation role
- preservation rule
- preservation service
- preservation service contract
- preservation service provider
- preservation storage
- preservation storage data
- preservation storage service
- preservation target
- preservation target data
- preservation target manifestation
- preservation target manifestation description
- preserved record
- preserved record collection
- privacy
- private blockchain
- private cloud
- private key
- problem handling
- problem handling instruction
- problem history data
- problem report
- problem resolution report
- procedure
- process
- producer
- profession
- proof of assets
- proof of assets (PoA)
- proof of concept
- proof of concept (PoC)
- proof of elapsed time (PoET)
- proof of publication
- proof of stake
- proof of work
- proprietary
- proprietary consensus mechanism
- provenance
- provisioning
- pseudonym
- pseudonymized data
- public blockchain
- public cloud
- public disclosure
- public key
- public key cryptography
- qualitative risk assessment
- quantitative risk assessment
- rapid elasticity
- rapid provisioning
- reclassification
- record
- record aggregate
- record category
- record creator
- record description
- records lifecycle
- records management
- records management data
- records management document
- records manager
- records professional
- redaction
- refutation (right of)
- register
- reidentification
- reliability (internet)
- reliability (record)
- rendering
- rendering description
- replicated ledger
- reporting
- reputation management
- requirement
- residual risk
- resilience
- resource pooling
- retention
- retention period
- retention schedule
- retrieval
- retrieval-augmented generation (RAG)
- right of refutation
- right to a fragmented identify
- right to be forgotten
- right to delete
- right to identity
- right to privacy
- risk
- risk analysis
- risk assessment
- risk classification
- risk management
- risk mitigation
- risk tolerance
- rule domain
- rule result
- rule task
- ruled action
- ruled object
- rumor
- rumor control
- runtime version
- runtime version description
- SaaS
- safe harbor
- sanitized data
- schedule
- Schnorr signatures
- secure data access services
- security
- security audit
- security classified information asset
- segregated witness
- semi-structured data
- sensitive but unclassified information asset
- sensitive data
- sentiment analysis
- service
- service level agreement
- set
- shadow cloud
- sharding
- sidechain
- simple copy
- simplified payment verification (SPV) node
- smart contract
- social capital
- social media
- social network
- social trust
- soft fork
- soft law
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- software component
- software component description
- software registry
- spoliation
- STaaS
- Storage as a Service (STaaS)
- storage status
- structural metadata
- structured data
- subchain
- submission
- submission document
- submission information
- submission process
- submission processing data
- submission processing service
- submission set
- submission status
- submitter
- success condition
- success criterion
- system
- target
- target description
- target problem
- target state
- terms of service
- territory of storage
- text mining
- threat
- transaction
- transaction input
- transaction output
- transparency
- trust
- trust relationship
- trusted digital repository
- trustworthiness
- trustworthy digital repository
- Turing-complete
- uniqueness feature
- unspent transaction output (UTXO)
- unstructured data
- usability
- use
- user activated soft fork
- valuation
- vendor lock-in
- veracity
- verification
- verification data
- verification status
- vulnerability
- wallet
- web 2.0
- writer