
Existing Citations

  • access (p. 1-8 ): access aid: A software program or document that allows Consumers to locate, analyze, order or retrieve information from an OAIS. (†2468)
  • archival description (p. 1-9): Associated Description: The information describing the content of an Information Package from the point of view of a particular Access Aid. ¶ Collection Description: A type of Package Description that is specialized to provide information about an Archival Information Collection for use by Access Aids. ¶ Descriptive Information: The set of information, consisting primarily of Package Descriptions, which is provided to Data Management to support the finding, ordering, and retrieving of OAIS information holdings by Consumers. ¶ Information Property Description: The description of the Information Property. It is a description of a part of the information content of a Content Information object that is highlighted for a particular purpose. ¶ Member Description: An Associated Description that describes a member of a collection. ¶ Overview Description: A specialization of the Collection Description that describes the collection as a whole. ¶ Package Description: The information intended for use by Access Aids. ¶ Preservation Description Information (PDI): The information which is necessary for adequate preservation of the Content Information and which can be categorized as Provenance, Reference, Fixity, Context, and Access Rights Information. ¶ Unit Description: A type of Package Description that is specialized to provide information about an Archival Information Unit for use by Access Aids. (†1871)
  • authenticity (1-9): Authenticity: The degree to which a person (or system) regards an object as what it is purported to be. Authenticity is judged on the basis of evidence. (†378)
  • producer (p. 1-14): The role played by those persons or client systems that provide the information to be preserved. This can include other OAISes or internal OAIS persons or systems. (†2583)