
Existing Citations

  • access : The right, opportunity, or means of finding, using or approaching documents and/or information. [Archives] (†2465)
  • archival bond : The network of relationships that each record has with the records belonging in the same records aggregation. (†1911)
  • chain of preservation (s.v. chain of preservation): n., A system of controls that extends over the entire lifecycle of records in order to ensure their identity and integrity over time. [Archives - Strategy Task Force Report , Page: 122 ] (†1338)
  • competence (s.v. competence): n., A sphere of functional responsibility entrusted to a physical or juridical person. [General Dictionaries - Select List of Archival Terminology ] (†1333)
  • completeness (s.v. completeness): n., The characteristic of a record that refers to the presence within it of all the elements required by the creator and the juridical system for it to be capable of generating consequences. With primitiveness and effectiveness, a quality presented by an original record. [Archives - The InterPARES 1 Project Glossary , Page: 358 ] (†1332)
  • compliance (s.v. compliant): v., Ensuring that the requirements of laws, regulations, industry codes and organizational standards are met. [Archives - Australian Standard AS 3806–1998: Compliance Programs , Page: 5 ] (†1334)
  • context (s.v. context): n., The framework in which a record is created, used, and maintained. [Archives - "Template for Analysis." , Page: 198 ] (†1331)
  • copy (s.v. copy): n., The duplicate of an object, resulting from a reproduction process. Syn.: duplicate. [General Dictionaries - A Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology ] (†1330)
  • custody (s.v. custody): n., The basic responsibility for guardianship of records/archives based upon their physical possession but not necessarily implying legal title. [Archives - Dictionary of Archival Terminology ] (†1329)
  • data (s.v. data): n., The smallest meaningful units of information. [Archives - MCRI 412-2001 InterPARES 2 Detailed Proposal Forum , Page: 1 ] (†1324)
  • digital object (s.v. digital object): n., A discrete aggregation of one or more bitstreams and the metadata about the properties of the object and, if applicable, methods of performing operations on the object. [General Dictionaries ] (†1323)
  • digital preservation : n. ~ The specific process of maintaining digital materials during and across different generations of technology over time, irrespective where they reside. (†856)
  • digital preservation (s.v. digital preservation): v., The specific process of maintaining digital materials during and across different generations of technology over time, irrespective where they reside. [Computer and Information Sciences ] (†1322)
  • disposition (s.v. disposition): n., [archives] Records’ final destruction or transfer to an archives as determined by their appraisal. [Archives ] n., [diplomatics] An intrinsic element of documentary form that comprises the core of the text of a document narrating the expression of the will of the author and the action of the record. [Archives - Diplomatics: New Uses for an Old Science (Part V) , Page: 6-24 ] (†1321)
  • document (s.v. document): n., An indivisible unit of information constituted by a message affixed to a medium (recorded) in a stable syntactic manner. A document has fixed form and stable content. [Archives - Diplomatics: New Uses for an Old Science , Page: 41 ] (†1320)
  • e-government (s.v. e-government): n., The use of information technologies, especially the Internet to improve government services for and interactions with citizens (G2C) , businesses and industry (G2B), and different division of government (G2G) by simplifying processes, and by integrating and eliminating redundant systems. [General Dictionaries - A Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology (The Society of American Archivists) ] (†1313)
  • encryption (s.v. encryption): n., The conversion of data into a secret code (or of plaintext into ciphertext) for transmission over a public network. [Computer and Information Sciences - The Computer Glossary: The Complete Illustrated Dictionary ] (†1312)
  • entity (s.v. entity): n., A real or abstract thing. [Archives - Preservation of the Integrity of Electronic Records , Page: 159 ] (†1311)
  • fonds (s.v. fonds): n., The whole of the records that a physical or juridical person accumulates by reason of its function or activity; the highest-level archival aggregation. Syn.: archives [records]; archival fonds. [Archives - Preservation of the Integrity of Electronic Records , Page: 16 ] (†1310)
  • form (s.v. form): n., Rules of representation that determine the appearance of an entity and convey its meaning. [General Dictionaries - Preservation of the Integrity of Electronic Records , Page: 13 ] (†1309)
  • hearsay (s.v. hearsay rule): n., A legal provision excluding testimony that is based on second-hand, rather than personal, knowledge (hearsay). [Archives ] (†1304)
  • identifier (s.v. identifier): n., Terms, such as acronyms, projects, proper names of persons, geographical locations, the number of a patent's specification or of a national standard, or any part or a bibliographical description, test names, and trade names which provide subject indexing, in addition to descriptors. [Computer and Information Sciences - Harrod’s Librarians’ Glossary and Reference Book ] (†1303)
  • identity (s.v. identity): n., The whole of the characteristics of a document or a record that uniquely identify it and distinguish it from any other document or record. With integrity, a component of authenticity. [Archives - Authenticity Task Force Report , Page: 47 ] (†1302)
  • information (s.v. information): n., An assemblage of data intended for communication either through space or across time. [Archives ] (†1298)
  • integrity (s.v. integrity): n., The quality of being complete and unaltered in all essential respects. With identity, a component of authenticity. [General Dictionaries - Preservation of the Integrity of Electronic Records , Page: 29 ] (†1297)
  • provenance (IP2 Glossary, s.v. "provenance"): The relationships between records and the organizations or individuals that created, accumulated and/or maintained and used them in the conduct of personal or corporate activity. (†420)
  • retention (s.v. "retention schedule"): n., A document providing description of records series and/or classes and specifying their authorized dispositions. (†2649)
  • retrieval (s.v. "retrieval system"): n., A set of rules governing searching and finding records in recordkeeping and records preservation systems, and the tools and mechanisms used to implement these rules. (†2650)