
Existing Citations

  • fiduciary trust (p.1): “…trust in government is a form of fiduciary trust between society and government (i.e. a principal–agent relationship), which is inherently different from mutual trust between people.” (†675)
  • fiduciary trust (p.10): “…the value of fiduciary trust is unequal between the principal and agent. Such is the nature of community–government relations, particularly regarding the regulatory and enforcement functions of government.” (†676)
  • social capital (4): “Social capital is a latent form of collective action, an intangible stock of norms and networks that defines the limits of cooperation in a society, community or group. Many policy makers view social capital as a fundamental tool for promoting community wellbeing and sustainable development." (†662)
  • social trust (p.5): “Social trust is linked in the literature with “bridging social capital”, which enables communication and cooperation between disparate groups … It allows people to move beyond familiar relationships, making cooperation portable and encouraging new forms of civic engagement ... It is analogous to the “weak ties” described in Granovetter’s (1973) seminal work on social structure.” (†679)
  • social trust (p.10): “· social trust, which exists between strangers and underlies the broader social order” (†680)