
Existing Citations

  • data management plan : A Data Management Plan should include the following information: ¶ Types of data to be produced and their volume · Who will produce the data ¶ Standards that will be applied · File formats and organization, parameter names and units, spatial and temporal resolution, metadata content, etc. ¶ Methods for preserving the data and maintaining data integrity · What hardware / software resources are required to store the data · How will the data be stored and backed up · Describe the method for periodically checking the integrity of the data ¶ Access and security policies; · What access requirements does your sponsor have · Are there any privacy / confidentiality / intellectual property requirements · Who can access the data: · · During active data collection · · When data are being analyzed and incorporated into publications · · When data have been published · · After the project ends · How should the data be cited and the data collectors acknowledged ¶ Plans for eventual transition of the data to an archive after the project ends · Identify a suitable data center within your discipline · Establish an agreement for archival · Understand the data center's requirements for submission and incorporate into data management plan (†846)