
  • Smallwood 2014 (†566)

    Smallwood, Robert F. Information Governance: Concepts, Strategies, and Best Practices (John Wiley & Sons, 2014).

Existing Citations

  • data governance (Chapter Two): Data governance involves processes and controls to ensure that information at the data level - raw alphanumeric characters that the organization is gathering and inputting - is true and accurate, and unique (not redundant). It involves data cleansing (or data scrubbing) to strip out corrupted, inaccurate, or extraneous data and de-duplication, to eliminate redundant occurrences of data. Data governance focuses on information quality from the ground up at the lowest or root level, so that subsequent reports, analyses, and conclusions are based on clean, reliable, trusted data (or records) in database tables. (†949)
  • information governance (Chapter Two): IG consists of the overarching policies and processes to optimize and leverage information while keeping it secure and meeting legal and privacy obligations in alignment with stated organizational business objectives. (†951)
  • information technology governance (Chapter Two): IT governance consists of following established frameworks and best practices to gain the most leverage and benefit out of IT investments and support accomplishment of business objectives. (†950)