
  • Sucha 2014 (†567)

    Sucha, Melanie. "Beyond the Hype: Data Management and Data Governance" Feliciter 60:2 (April 2014), p.26-29.

Existing Citations

  • data governance (p.26): Data governance is the organization and implementation of accountabilities for managing data (McGilvray 2008). Data governance includes the roles for managing data as well as the plans, policies, and procedures that control - in essence govern - data. (†952)
  • data management (p.26): Data management is the business function that develops and executes the acquisition, control, protection, delivery, and enhancement of data (Brackett 2009). Like the broader information management domain, data management is premised on the proposition that data is an organizational asset that has business value. This principle implies that data stores, such as a company's financial system or customer database, can have the same critical value as a physical asset, such as a factory or a petroleum upgrader. Investing in maintaining data assets, through defined data management processes and data quality monitoring and improvements, then becomes an integral part of supporting the organization's core business objectives. (†953)