
  • Plotkin 2013 (†588)

    Plotkin, David. Data Stewardship: An Actionable Guide to Effective Data Management and Data Governance (Morgan Kaufman, 2013).

Existing Citations

  • data governance (Chapter One): "Data Governance is the exercise of decision making and authority for data-related matters. It’s a system of decision rights and accountabilities for information-related processes, executed according to agreed-upon models which describe who can take what actions with what information, and when, under what circumstances, using what methods." The key thing to take away from this definition is that the practice of Data Governance has more to do with establishing the roles and responsibilities about how people manage and make decisions about data than about the data itself. That is, Data Governance–and Data Stewardship–is all about making sure that people are properly organized and do the right things to make their data understood, trusted, of high quality, and, ultimately, suitable and usable for the enterprise’s purposes. (†1192)