
Existing Citations

  • cloud computing (p. 14): One of the tenets of Cloud Computing is the reduction of hardware and software ownership and maintenance to allow companies to focus on their core business strengths. This has clear financial and operational benefits, which must be weighed carefully against the contradictory security concerns – complicated by the fact that cloud deployments are driven by anticipated benefits, by groups who may lose track of the security ramifications. ¶ Versions of software, code updates, security practices, vulnerability profiles, intrusion attempts, and security design, are all important factors for estimating your company’s security posture. Information about who is sharing your infrastructure may be pertinent, in addition to network intrusion logs, redirection attempts and/or successes, and other logs (†1372)
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) (p. 11): IaaS vendors deliver their services in a scalable way by sharing infrastructure. Often, the underlying components that make up this infrastructure (e.g., CPU caches, GPUs, etc.) were not designed to offer strong isolation properties for a multi-tenant architecture. To address this gap, a virtualization hypervisor mediates access between guest operating systems and the physical compute resources. Still, even hypervisors have exhibited flaws that have enabled guest operating systems to gain inappropriate levels of control or influence on the underlying platform. A defense in depth strategy is recommended, and should include compute, storage, and network security enforcement and monitoring. Strong compartmentalization should be employed to ensure that individual customers do not impact the operations of other tenants running on the same cloud provider. (†1371)
  • threat (p.6-7): While many issues, such as provider financial stability, create significant risks to customers, we have tried to focus on issues we feel are either unique to or greatly amplified by the key characteristics of Cloud Computing and its shared, on-demand nature. We identify the following threats in our initial document: · Abuse and Nefarious Use of Cloud Computing · Insecure Application Programming Interfaces · Malicious Insiders · Shared Technology Vulnerabilities · Data Loss/Leakage · Account, Service & Traffic Hijacking · Unknown Risk Profile. (†1358)