
Existing Citations

  • information governance (p. 34): Decision rights and an accountability framework to encourage desirable behavior in the valuation, creation, storage, use, archival and deletion of information. Information governance includes processes, roles, standards and metrics that ensure effective and efficient use of information in enabling an organization to achieve its goals. (†1466)
  • maturity model (p. 1): We developed a Digital Preservation Capability Maturity Model© (DPCMM) that can be used to conduct a gap analysis of your organization’s current capabilities and to delineate a multi- year roadmap of incremental improvements. . . . The DPCMM is used to identify core digital continuity requirements which form the basis for debate and dialogue regarding the desired future state of each organization’s digital preservation capabilities and the level of risk its leadership is willing to take on with regard to its electronic records. (†1465)
  • maturity model (p. 4-5 (paraphrased)): The Digital Preservation Capability Maturity Model (DPCMM) identifies at a high level where an electronic records management program is in relation to optimal digital preservation capabilities; report gaps, capability levels, and preservation performance metrics5 to resource allocators and other stakeholders; and establish priorities for achieving enhanced capabilities to preserve and ensure access to long-term electronic records. ¶ Stage 1. Nominal digital preservation capability. Standards may be known but not implemented, and practically all electronic records that merit long-term preservation are at risk. ¶ Stage 2. Minimal digital preservation capability. Any repository does not fully comply with standards for a trustworthy repository; preservation efforts are likely uncoordinated; and may result from exceptional efforts of an individual or small team. Most electronic records that merit long-term preservation are at risk. ¶ Stage 3. Intermediate Digital Preservation Capability. The repository complies with standards for a trustworthy repository and other best practices for sustaining digital preservation capabilities over time. Many electronic records that merit long-term preservation are likely to remain at risk. ¶ Stage 4. Advanced Digital Preservation Capability. The repository infrastructure and digital preservation services are robust and comply with relevant standards; preservation efforts take place in a collaborative environment that proactively bring long-term records under lifecycle control and management. Some electronic records that merit long-term preservation may still be at risk. ¶ Stage 5. Optimal Digital Preservation Capability. The highest level of digital preservation readiness capability that an organization can achieve. It includes a strategic focus on digital preservation outcomes by continuously improving the manner in which electronic records lifecycle management is executed. Few, if any, electronic records that merit long-term preservation are at risk. (†1468)
  • trustworthiness (p. 38, s.v. "trustworthy records"): Trustworthy electronic records are reliable and authentic records whose integrity has been preserved over time. Reliability references that records can be trusted as an accurate representation of the activities and facts associated with a transaction(s) because they were captured at or near the time of the transaction. Authenticity means that electronic records are what they purport to be. (†1467)