Bradbury, Carl. "DISASTER! Creating and Testing an Effective Recovery Plan" The British Journal of Administrative Management (April 2008), p.14-16.
Existing Citations
disaster recovery plan (p.14): Creating and testing a disaster recovery plan is one of the key elements of business continuity management. Traditionally business continuity and disaster recovery (DR) planning have always been separated between the business and the information technology (IT) departments, but it has long been recognised that this "divide" creates more problems than it solves. After all, most businesses could not continue to operate successfully if their IT services were unavailable for a period of time. The recent launch of BS 25999 has established a Business Continuity Management (BCM) standard which intrinsically links BCM, Incident Management and IT DR. Essentially the key message is that to have true business continuity, you must also have strong IT DR capability. A disaster recovery plan should interface with the overall business continuity management plan. In the case of both, it's important to be clear and concise, to focus on the key activities required to recover the critical IT services, and to test, review and update on a regular basis. (†1542)