ISO TC307 N67 (United Kingdom). 2017. "United Kingdom NB-Contribution-SG-Vocabulary-RA,” unpublished submission, April 5, 2017.
Existing Citations
block (p.1): batch of ordered transactions, potentially containing ones of an invalid nature, that is
delivered to the peers for validation and committal. (†2218)
blockchain (p.1): implementation of distributed ledger technology that records blocks of data in chain
transactions and exchanges that take place in a peer-to-peer network. (†2214)
blockchain (p.1 ): ever-extending series of blocks that grows as new transactions are confirmed as part of a new
block. · Note: Each new block is chained to the existing blockchain by a cryptographic technique. (†2217)
chaincode (p.2): persistent logic deployed onto a blockchain that encodes the data and rules for specific types of
network transactions and which is executed when a transaction is made against the blockchain. (†2227)
committer (p.2): peer role, where the peer appends validated transactions to the ledger. · Note: A peer can act as both an endorser and committer, but in more regulated circumstances
might only serve as a committer. (†2226)
distributed ledger technology (p.1): Database technology in which records are stored in sequence in a continuous ledger, spread
across multiple locations. Records can only be added when multiple participants agree to do so. (†2215)
endorser (p.2): peer role where the peer is responsible for simulating transactions and in turn preventing
unstable or non-deterministic transactions from passing through the network. · Note: All endorser peers are also committer peers. (†2225)
genesis block (p.1): first block in a blockchain which can also serve as configuration to initialize the blockchain. (†2224)
ledger (p.2): append-only blockchain transaction log managed by peers which stores the ordered transaction
batches. (†2222)
mining (p.2): process of verifying transactions and contract execution on the blockchain. (†2221)
node (p.1; s.v. "peer node"): component that executes and maintains a ledger of transactions. (†2216)
permissioned blockchain (p.1; s.v. "permissioned network"): blockchain network where any node is required to maintain a member identity on the network.
End users must be authorized and authenticated in order to use the network. (†2219)
permissionless blockchain (p.2; s.v. "permissionless network"): blockchain network where nodes and users are essentially anonymous and where any user can
use the network without authentication or authorization. (†2220)
smart contract (p.2): set of business terms embedded into a blockchain and executed with transactions.
· Note: smart contract can also include a digital representation of a set of business rules and
defines conditions under which transactions occur.
· Note 2: smart contract is implemented using chaincode. (†2223)