Introduction to Deep Learning

Register now for Introduction to Deep Learning. Deep Learning, a class of machine learning methods inspired by information processing in the human brain, has revolutionized the way we build machines, automate processes, analyze data, and just problem-solve in a fast-increasing host of domains. These transformational changes are impacting wide sectors of society. The goal of this workshop is to provide a conceptual introduction to deep learning. Namely, we will cover Feedforward Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, and the Transformer. The workshop will touch on a wide range of applications across different types of data modalities (e.g., speech, language, image) and provide a number of engineering tutorials (to be discussed at a high level). The main objective of the workshop is to support learners with basic or no prior knowledge of machine learning. Some familiarity with the Python programming language, basic linear algebra, basic calculus, and basic probability will be useful but not required.

Instructors: Muhammad Abdul-Mageed, Ganesh Jawahar, and Peter Sullivan; Deep Learning and NLP Group, The University of British Columbia & InterPARES Trust AI

Further Reading