coproduction [English]

InterPARES Definition

No definition in earlier IP projects. ITrust definition not yet developed.

Other Definitions

  • Wikipedia (†387 s.v. coproduction (society)): Co-production is where technical experts and other groups in society generate new knowledge and technologies together. It is the dynamic interaction between technology and society. . . . ¶ As a sensitizing concept, the idiom of co-production looks at four themes: "the emergence and stabilization of new techno-scientific objects and framings, the resolution of scientific and technical controversies; the processes by which the products of techno-science are made intelligible and portable across boundaries; and the adjustment of science’s cultural practices in response to the contexts in which science is done." Studies employing co-production often follow the following pathways: "making identities, making institutions, making discourses, and making representations." [Citing SheilaJasanoff, States of Knowledge: The Co-Production of Science and the Social Order (Routledge. 2004).


  • Horne and Shirley, 2009 (†463 3): “Co-production is a partnership between citizens and public services to achieve a valued outcome. Such partnerships empower citizens to contribute more of their own resources (time, will power, expertise and effort) and have greater control over service decisions and resources.” (†657)
  • Mattson, 1986 (†462 51): “Understood to mean the joint production of municipal goods and services by the local municipal bureaucracy and the individual citizen-taxpayer, coproduction promises the city lower taxes while maintaining existing municipal service levels. At the same time it promises to expand the role of the citizen from one of mere passive consumption of public services to one of active involvement with the responsibility for the selection, production, and delivery of public services.” (†656)
  • Ostrom, 1996 (†461 1073): "Coproduction is a process through which inputs from individuals who are not “in” the same organization are transformed into goods and services." (†655)