web 2.0 [English]

Syndetic Relationships

InterPARES Definition

No definition in earlier IP projects. ITrust definition not yet developed.

Other Definitions

  • Gartner IT Glossary (†298 s.v. web 2.0): The evolution of the Web from a collection of hyperlinked content pages to a platform for human collaboration and system development and delivery.
  • Wikipedia (†387 s.v. web 2.0): Web 2.0 describes World Wide Web sites that use technology beyond the static pages of earlier Web sites. ...Although Web 2.0 suggests a new version of the World Wide Web, it does not refer to an update to any technical specification, but rather to cumulative changes in the way Web pages are made and used. A Web 2.0 site may allow users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators of user-generated content in a virtual community, in contrast to Web sites where people are limited to the passive viewing of content.


  • Chun et al., 2010 (†471 2): ““Web 2.0 Technologies” refer to a collection of social media through which individuals are active participants in creating, organizing, editing, combining, sharing, commenting, and rating Web content as well as forming a social network through interacting and linking to each other. The Web created using these social media is called Web 2.0 or Social Web. The Web 2.0 technologies include blogs, wikis, social networking hubs, (e.g., facebook, myspace), Web-based communication modes (e.g., chatting, chat groups), photo-sharing (e.g., flickr), video casting and sharing (e.g., youtube), audiosharing (e.g. Podcasts), mashups, widgets, virtual worlds, microblogs (e.g., twitter), social annotation and bookmarking of Web sites, and many more.” (†668)
  • Furht and Escalante 2010 (†583 p.10-11): Web 2.0 is a new concept that refers to the use of Web technology and Web design to enhance creativity, information sharing, and collaboration among users (Wang, Tao, & Kunze, 2008). (†1214)
  • International Records Management Trust 2009 (†572 s.v. web 2.0): In a computer environment, a term used to refer to changes in the way that World Wide Web technology is used, in order to enhance creativity, information sharing and functionality in a web-based environment. Computer tools created to support Web 2.0 information sharing include social networking sites, wikis, blogs, social bookmarking, collaborative editing tools, media sharing services and syndication and notification technologies. (†969)
  • Law 2011 (†581 s.v. web 2.0): A phrase used to describe what some commentators view as a new generation of Internet services and communities. Web 2.0 does not refer to any technological changes, but rather to a perceived shift in what the Internet can be used for, with champions of the term arguing that it stands for more collaborative working and information-sharing. (†1113)
  • Theimer 2010 (†503 p. 9-10.): 'Web 2.0' is a buzzword. Like all buzzwords, it gained popularity because it's useful for capturing the meaning of something. But it also has been overused and become something of a cliché. The technology cognoscenti have now moved on and are talking about Web 3.0 (the semantic web) and even Web 4.0. . . . ¶ There is no agree-upon definition of 'Web 2.0'. While O'Reilly Media may have popularized it, the term was not created by one company or type of software. Rather, it describes a confluence of changes in Web design and functionality that resulted in fundamental differences in the ways developers and users approach the Web. The most significant of these changes are the following: · 'Network as platform' or 'cloud computing' . . . · Open standards, open source, openness in general . . . · Creation of syndicated content . . . · Customized Web experience for users · Broad use of interactivity . . . · Prevalence of user-created content · Integration of user-to-user connection . . . (†781)
  • Wikipedia (†387 s.v. web 2.0): Whether Web 2.0 is substantively different from prior Web technologies has been challenged by World Wide Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who describes the term as jargon.[DeveloperWorks Interviews, 2006-07-28] His original vision of the Web was "a collaborative medium, a place where we [could] all meet and read and write".[Berners-Lee on the read/write web, BBC News, 2005-08-09] (†971)