node [English]
Other Languages
- nœud (French)
Syndetic Relationships
- RT: full node
InterPARES Definition
No definition in earlier IP projects. ITrust definition not yet developed.
Other Definitions
- Bitcoin Glossary 2017 (†812 s.v. "node"): A computer connected to the bitcoin network using a client that relays transactions to others (see client).
- Bitcoin Group [2017] (†846 s.v. "Node"): A computer connected to the bitcoin network using a client that relays transactions to others (see client). If you’d like to run a bitcoin node, then offers a comprehensive guide.
- Bitcoin Wiki Vocabulary [2017] (†796 s.v. "Full node"): any computer that connects to the Bitcoin network.
- BlockchainHub Glossary (†807 s.v. "Node (Full Node)): Any computer that connects to the blockchain network is called a node. Nodes that fully enforce all of the rules of the blockchain (ie Bitcoin) are called full nodes. Most nodes on the network are lightweight nodes instead of full nodes, but full nodes form the backbone of the network.
- ISO TC307 (Japan). 2017 (†857 s.v. "3.8 node" ; p.9): entity coordinating medium access with other nodes. · Note 1 to entry: node may have all or partial data from ledger. · Note 2 to entry: the entity may be physical or logical device. · Note 3 to entry: node may have special role such as centralized coordinator.
- ISO TC307 N55 (France). 2017 (†858 ): Device participating in the peer-to-peer network by running a Blockchain client software and relaying information (transactions and blocks).
- ISO TC307 N67 (United Kingdom). 2017. (†841 p.1; s.v. "peer node"): component that executes and maintains a ledger of transactions.
- Seibold et al. 2016 (†821 p.1): Members or systems of a consensus network or a server that holds a replicated copy of the ledger and can have varying roles: to issue, verify, receive, inform, etc. For all intents and purposes, a node can be a virtual machine (VM) instance.
- Condos et al. 2016 (†819 p.6): ...the register as a whole is the blockchain. This chain is stored and continually added to by a network of computers, each of which is known as a node. Each node has, at minimum, a copy of a certain number of the most recent blocks, and some might possess a copy of the entire blockchain...& middot; (p.4): However, unlike a checkbook, the blockchain is distributed among thousands of computers or “nodes” with a process for validating transactions that utilizes a group consensus protocol. (†2131)
- Nakamoto 2008 (†804 p.1): The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone. (†2167)
- Piasecki 2017 (†815 s.v. 2017-02-20 "Blockchain Terminology-a dev): · A Node is a computer running the specialized software used to communicate directly with a Blockchain Network. A Node is often a Wallet, but it doesn't need to be.· Generally, there are two types of Nodes - a Full Node and a Light Node. · A Full Node downloads and stores all of the Blockchain information. It can provide the data to other Nodes in the network as needed. Distributed Blockchain Networks require a web of Full Nodes to be operating at all times to maintain the network. · A Light Node only downloads the core data it needs to validate the current Blockchain status (most often - Block Headers) and any information relating to the Addresses it cares about. It has a much lower memory and network footprint than a Full Node, but it cannot provide all of the information a Full Node might. A set of Full Nodes is till required to maintain the network. (†2102)
- Walport 2016 (†802 p.60): Transactions are added to the database in blocks, and each block is reviewed by the nodes. The block is only added to the database if the node reaches a consensus that the block only contains valid transactions. (†2126)